NGC 1664
M 81
SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standardBITPIX = -32 / number of bits per data pixelNAXIS = 3 / number of data axesNAXIS1 = 929 / length of data axis 1NAXIS2 = 1574 / length of data axis 2NAXIS3 = 3 / length of data axis 3EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensionsCOMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'AstronomyCOMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359HMIPS-FHI= 1 / Upper visualization cutoffMIPS-FLO= 0.00827039 / Lower visualization cutoffBZERO = 0 / offset data range to that of unsigned shortBSCALE = 1 / default scaling factorDATE = '2025-01-23T20:25:31' / UTC date that FITS file was createdDATE-OBS= '2025-01-20T20:00:40.165407' / YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss observation start, INSTRUME= 'Seestar S50' / instrument nameOBSERVER= ' ' / observer nameTELESCOP= 'Seestar S50' / telescope used to acquire this imageXPIXSZ = 2.9 / X pixel size micronsYPIXSZ = 2.9 / Y pixel size micronsXBINNING= 1 / Camera binning modeYBINNING= 1 / Camera binning modeFOCALLEN= 251.731 / Camera focal lengthCCD-TEMP= 12.25 / CCD temp in CEXPTIME = 10 / Exposure time [s]STACKCNT= 395 / Stack framesLIVETIME= 3950 / Exposure time after deadtime correctionEXPSTART= 2.4607e+006 / Exposure start time (standard Julian date)EXPEND = 2.4607e+006 / Exposure end time (standard Julian date)FILTER = 'IRCUT ' / Active filter nameIMAGETYP= 'Light ' / Type of imageOBJECT = 'Phi Aurigae' / Name of the object of interestAPERTURE= 5 / Aperture of the instrumentGAIN = 80 / Camera gainSITELAT = 49.4496 / [deg] Observation site latitudeSITELONG= -2.54514 / [deg] Observation site longitudeCTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / Coordinate type for the first axisCTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / Coordinate type for the second axisCUNIT1 = 'deg ' / Unit of coordinatesCUNIT2 = 'deg ' / Unit of coordinatesEQUINOX = 2000 / Equatorial equinoxOBJCTRA = '05 27 48.489' / Image center Right Ascension (hms)OBJCTDEC= '+34 29 35.656' / Image center Declination (dms)RA = 81.952 / Image center Right Ascension (deg)DEC = 34.4932 / Image center Declination (deg)CRPIX1 = 464.5 / Axis1 reference pixelCRPIX2 = 787 / Axis2 reference pixelCRVAL1 = 81.952 / Axis1 reference value (deg)CRVAL2 = 34.4932 / Axis2 reference value (deg)CDELT1 = -0.000660052 / X pixel size (deg)CDELT2 = 0.000660067 / Y pixel size (deg)PC1_1 = 0.986267 / Linear transformation matrix (1, 1)PC1_2 = -0.165161 / Linear transformation matrix (1, 2)PC2_1 = 0.16507 / Linear transformation matrix (2, 1)PC2_2 = 0.986282 / Linear transformation matrix (2, 2)PLTSOLVD= T / Siril internal solveHISTORY mean stacking with winsorized sigma clipping rejection (low=3.000 high=3HISTORY .000), additive+scaling normalized input, unnormalized output, image weiHISTORY ghting from star count, unequalized RGBHISTORY Photometric CCHISTORY Photometric CCHISTORY Histogram Transf. (mid=0.043, lo=0.000, hi=1.000)HISTORY Histogram Transf. (mid=0.105, lo=0.000, hi=1.000)HISTORY Histogram Transf. (mid=0.245, lo=0.000, hi=1.000)HISTORY Histogram Transf. (mid=0.375, lo=0.000, hi=1.000)HISTORY Histogram Transf. (mid=0.380, lo=0.026, hi=1.000)HISTORY Histogram Transf. (mid=0.462, lo=0.000, hi=1.000)HISTORY Histogram Transf. (mid=0.500, lo=0.031, hi=1.000)HISTORY Histogram Transf. (mid=0.480, lo=0.000, hi=1.000)HISTORY Histogram Transf. (mid=0.500, lo=0.023, hi=1.000)HISTORY Histogram Transf. (mid=0.487, lo=0.000, hi=1.000)HISTORY Saturation enhancement (amount=0.48)HISTORY NL-Bayes denoise (mod=0.497, CC enabled)HISTORY NL-Bayes denoise (mod=0.497, CC enabled)END
M 1